
Custom T-shirt

The price starts from 200 lei. The final cost will be displayed after selecting all the options.
In the package you will also find a gift voucher with 5% discount for the next order.

  • * Size
    * Design
    * Number of companions

    Please check the Image Guide to make sure the photograph meets all our requirements before you upload it.

    You can add background elements (sky, forest, floating toys, etc.), items
    clothing, or accessories (bandana, glasses, themed accessories, etc.)


We make custom t-shirts in realistic style, exclusively handmade, based on the photo you send us.

We use professional graphics tablets to create the images, and then print using Inkjet Print technology with Ultrachrome pigment for a highly aesthetic graphic image.

The final images will be printed on new, sealed, original cardboard sleeves with the specific guarantee given by the supplier, manufacturer, or official distributor.

Image Guide

It is important that you carefully go through the Image Guide so that we can provide you with a portrait with exceptional quality. The more details the photos contain and the brighter the closer the portraits will be to the actual image of you or your companion.

Choice of photo
Photos submitted must comply with the following requirements:

1. Resolution as high as possible.
You can also take pictures with your phone as long as its camera is of impeccable quality.

2. Suitable brightness.
The best light is during the day. When you find a bright spot and be ready to take the photo, make sure the light doesn't come from one side or the back. It must be frontal and evenly dispersed.

3. Body position and shooting angle.
The vertical position, the framing of the bust type, the shooting angle parallel to the ground surface (not from above, or below) and the gaze into the lens, will ensure the quality of the photo. Also, the eyes, nose and ears must be perfectly visible.

4. No uninvited guests in the picture.
Make sure there are no shadows or reflections that can distort the image.

5. No filters or photos modified.

Our products are faithful copies of the photos received from you. If accessories appear in the picture, they will also be found in the final product.

For a successful photo of your companion, grab their attention with the help of your favorite toys!


Examples people photos

Examples of animal photos

Shipping and delivery

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